Hi, I'm Laura (she/her), consummate nerd and lover of em dashes. I serve as lead editor of the Cosmere RPG, set in the fantastical world(s) of Brandon Sanderson. I also specialize in D&D fifth edition and in new systems whose mechanics could benefit from an experienced technical editor.Though I'm most passionate about helping others bring their dreams to life through copyediting, I'm also a skilled writer, game designer, graphic designer, and occasional artist.In addition to worldhopping across the cosmere, I've edited books such as Daggerheart (Darrington Press), Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen (among other D&D books), Exploring Eberron (Keith Baker), Flee, Mortals! (MCDM), and many more. I'm also the creator of the acclaimed Simple Microsoft Word Template, which has been downloaded by over nine thousand TTRPG designers. And at last count, my DMsGuild publications have earned five adamantine best-seller medals, four mithral, fourteen platinum, ten gold, nine electrum, two silver, and one copper.Outside my day job, I'm a neurodivergent, queer, disabled mother of two who loves reading, exploring outdoors, and gaming—but I mostly just want to take a nap.